Annual Report
Our 2015 Annual Report is now back from the printers. Please see the
attached for how you can order a full colour, glossy, A4 hardcopy.
Old Photos
Graham King kindly sent me these photos of Tice's Meadow taken when it was still an operational quarry. If you have any old photos of the site, we'd love to see them.
(c) Graham King |
Late News
Kevin Duncan identified the following new species for Tice's Meadow - some are species that have been recorded previously but not identified, or had been omitted from the pan-species list.:
n/a - Swan Mussel
(Anodonta cygnea)
July 2015 - Common Centaury (
Centaurium erythraea)
13/05/16 - Dark Strawberry Tortrix Moth (
Syricoris lacunana)
22/05/16 - Cocksfoot Moth (
Glyphipterix simpliciella)
sighting takes the pan-species list for Tice's Meadow past
1,000 species.
Well done to everyone who records, reports and identifies the species
they see at Tice's Meadow.
(c) Kevin Duncan - Common Centaury |
(c) Kevin Duncan - Dark Strawberry Tortrix Moth |
(c) Kevin Duncan - Cocksfoot Moth |
Friday May 27th
Note: Sightings of breeding protected and/or sensitive species will not be reported during the breeding season.
John Hunt reported a Lapwing, a
Little Egret and a Garden Warbler this morning.
John also reported 2 Grass Snakes and a Slow Worm with young under the tin refugia.
(c) John Hunt - Holly Blue |
Saturday May 28th
Mark Elsoffer reported the following broods of young this afternoon:
- One brood of 5 Egyptian Geese.
- Three broods of 5, 5 and 2 Canada Geese.
(c) Kevin Duncan - Dock Bug |
Sunday May 29th
Kevin Duncan found a dead Stone Loach fish in the River Blackwater, only the second record of the species on site.
Kevin also reported a new species for Tice's Meadow:
Flat-backed Millipede (
Polydesmus angustus)
(c) Richard Seargent - Fox Cub |
(c) Richard Seargent - Whitethroat |
(c) Kevin Duncan - Blue-tailed Damselfy |
(c) Kevin Duncan - Burnet Companion Moth |
(c) Kevin Duncan - Flame Shoulder Moth |
(c) Kevin Duncan - Mother Shipton Moth |
(c) Kevin Duncan - Red Poplar Leaf Beetle |
(c) Kevin Duncan - Roesel's Bush-cricket |
Monday May 30th
No reports.
Tuesday May 31st
No reports.
(c) Kevin Duncan - Banded Demoiselle |
Wednesday June 1st
No reports.
Thursday June 2nd
Graham King reported 2 drake
Garganey and a Greylag Goose this afternoon.
This is only the 6th recorded sighting of Garganey on site, with the 5th also being found by Graham on May 16th.
Friday June 3rd
Mark Elsoffer reported a
Little Egret, 2 Bullfinch, a Kestrel and 2 Buzzard this afternoon.
In addition, Steve Minhinnick reported a
Yellowhammer this afternoon.
Mark Elsoffer reported the following broods of young this afternoon:
- One brood of 5 Egyptian Geese.
- Three broods of 6, 6 and 4 Canada Geese.
Richard Horton reported that the first calf was born at Tice's Meadow this morning, with 2 more expected very soon. The new addition to Horton's Herd has been christened Wee Jimmy.
(c) Steve Minhinnick - Dock Bugs |
(c) Steve Minhinnick - Juvenile Grass Snake |
(c) Steve Minhinnick - Slow Worms |
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Bullfinch |
(c) Mark Elsoffer - Wee Jimmy |
(c) Kevin Duncan - Pellucid Hoverfly |
Saturday June 4th
No reports.
(c) Kevin Duncan - Gorse Shieldbug |
Sunday June 5th
Richard Horton reported an
Oystercatcher this morning.
This is only the 22nd recorded sighting of Oystercatcher on site
In addition, John Hunt reported a
Cuckoo this morning.
This is only the 18th recorded sighting of Cuckoo on site
Kevin Duncan reported a Brown Argus butterfly today, the first sighting of the year. This species was only seen at Tice's Meadow for the first time last year, which was also a first for the wider Blackwater Valley.
John Hunt reported a new species for Tice's Meadow:
Downlooker Snipefly (
Rhagio scolopaceus).
Kevin Duncan reported 2 new species for Tice's Meadow:
Diamondback Moth (
Plutella xylostella).
Silver Y Moth (
Autographa gamma).
(c) John Hunt - The Meadow |
(c) John Hunt - Downlooker Snipefly |
(c) John Hunt - Great Crested Grebe |
(c) John Hunt - Painted Lady |
(c) Kevin Duncan - Brown Argus |
(c) Kevin Duncan - Common Nettle Bug |
(c) Kevin Duncan - Green Shield Bug |
(c) Kevin Duncan - Meadow Plant Bug |
(c) Kevin Duncan - Silver Y Moth |
(c) Kevin Duncan - Small Tortoiseshell Caterpillar |
(c) Kevin Duncan - Tortoise Bug |
Monday June 6th
No reports.
Tuesday June 7th
No reports.
Wednesday June 8th
No reports.
(c) Kevin Duncan - Garden Chafer |
Thursday June 9th
Graham King reported 2 Teal and 2 Gadwall today.
Friday June 10th
No reports.
Saturday June 11th
A volunteers work party was held this morning, with tasks completed including strimming the vegetation around the reptile habitats and refugia. A massive thanks to all who attended.
Richard Seargent reported that Banded Demoiselles were seen along the River Blackwater along with 3 other species of damselfly.
Sunday June 12th
No reports.
Monday June 13th
No reports.
Tuesday June 14th
No reports.
Wednesday June 15th
No reports.
Thursday June 16th
No reports.
Friday June 17th
(c) Carey Lodge - Broad-bodied Chaser |
Saturday June 18th
No reports.
Sunday June 19th
John Hunt reported a
Green Sandpiper, 6 Lapwing and a Garden Warbler this morning.
In addition, Andy Little reported a
Hobby and 4 Collared Dove today.
Grim Styles found a new species for Tice's Meadow:
St.John's Wort Beetle (
Chrysolina hyperici).
John Hunt found a new species for Tice's Meadow:
Twin-lobed Deerfly (
Chrysops relictus).
(c) Grim Styles - St. John's Wort Beetle |
(c) John Hunt - Twin-lobed Deerfly |
(c) Kevin Duncan - Swollen-thighed Beetle (Female) |
(c) Kevin Duncan - Swollen-thighed Beetle (Male) |
Monday June 20th
No reports.
Tuesday June 21st
Richard Horton reported a
Redshank today.
Andy Little reported that his neighbours, who's garden backs onto Tice's Meadow, have had 2 juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker and a juvenile Bullfinch on their feeders regularly this week, most likely born on site.
Eric Soden lead a visit to Tice's Meadow today by his Milford U3A Birdwatching Group.
Wednesday June 22nd
Richard Horton reported 2
Green Sandpiper today.
Thursday June 23rd
No reports.